Self-Discipline Will Reveal Your Destiny
Jan 24, 2025
Picture by Amigos_Flipado via Pixabay
I have been fortunate throughout my life to befriend and study with some fascinating men.
Many of these were old warriors of martial art backgrounds, special forces soldiers and dedicated teachers of philosophy who embodied their code.
The discipline these men had was incredible and inspiring.
The main issue men come to me for are issues with self-sabotage and a lack of self-discipline.
I think too many men look on discipline as a means of acquiring something, the attainment of a goal outside of themselves instead of the primary aim of the man they want to be.
This was the big difference between the discipline of the men I met and the modern idea of discipline, which often separates the man and his mission.
I never forget speaking with veteran SAS soldier Nick Butt, when he said to me:
“We were always looking to move forward but even if we were forced to move back, our minds were still in forward mode.”
He was speaking of focus, discipline and a never quit attitude in achieving an objective.
A directed fierceness that would not be stopped.
One of the most important things about discipline I learnt was that it is freeing, a path to a meaning and joy unattainable by any other way.
Self-knowing, destiny and truth become not just empty, vague words but a real experience.
It allows us to really see ourselves perhaps for the very first time.
In the movie Troy, the warrior Achilles was asked;
“Why did you choose to be a great warrior?”
He replied;
“I chose nothing, I was born and this is who I am.”
Self-discipline reveals that certainty of - This is who I am.
Next week I’m going to delve into the mind, body and character revealed through Self-discipline and what it really means for a man’s life and mission and how to stay on track when things get tough.
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