The Courage Project - The Counter Poise To Fear

Dec 29, 2023

I am pleased to announce my book is finally available on Amazon.

I deliberately kept it as a short read so it could be digested in just a few hours. I wanted it to be like attending a short seminar consisting of powerful content, which leaves an impact.

Judging by the initial feedback, The Courage Project has certainly achieved this.

The veteran editor lady who cast her experienced eye over the book, told me she found it one of the most powerful short reads she’s had the pleasure of viewing. She added that it’s completely changed her perspective on men.

This is a positive start.

Many have found it an uncomfortable read because I tackle areas that are often not discussed, for fear of judgement and criticism.

Politics, war and the failure of protecting our children and other uncomfortable issues are raised but it’s also uplifting and points towards a better future.

It is a mistake to avoid difficult subjects because as men, every part of  our external life is in some way, being created by us.

I’ve always found much of the world of life coaching and personal development for men, nothing more than an indulgence of distractions and pandering to ones personal ego.

We tend to do everything we can to make ourselves feel better, especially if its used to ignore or suppress difficult issues we don’t want to face.

But whilst we do this, we also suppress our own unique voice and the male angst which is now rife, never disappears.

Ultimately, ‘The Courage Project’ is redefining the aim of man.

This aim, is not just for men but for the woman, children and very world itself.

This is and always will be, the realm of real personal development.

Everything else is just playing around at it.

It’s no secret we are in the times of weak men creating hard times and this is set to get even more challenging.

I truly believe we can turn this around.

This doesn’t mean we have to abandon our dreams and desires.  

On the contrary, we can forge our character around courage and get everything we desire as a result.

A man who sets his primary aim on a character of courage, is far more likely to excel in his ambitions, create meaningful relationships and be a better man.

I will be covering this more in 2024.

Until then, the link for the book is below.

I wish you all a prosperous New Year.


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