The Power Of Goals Mar 01, 2024

People often tell me “I don’t really have any goals.”

Everyone has goals but they are often not very good ones.

How about a plan to go to the pastry shop and grab a bag of goodies?

It’s still a goal. It may not seem like one but anything planned in the short or long...

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Men Should Be Coached By Men Feb 23, 2024

It seems we live in a world where coaches like myself have to explain that men and women are different and so their coaching needs and approaches should be different.

Whilst I fully accept that a specific skill such as writing, dancing, painting, speaking, business etc can be taught by a female...

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Leveraging Energy Feb 16, 2024

Changing our habits and beliefs requires work.

 It requires energy.

Many people waste vast amounts of energy on things they can’t change, things that don’t matter and even things that aren’t true.

Change is all about the sacrifice.

You have to know what you need to give...

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Toxic Masculinity - A Revisit Feb 13, 2024

What is Toxic Masculinity?

I’m still getting this question from men regularly.

I’ve already explained the terminology within a video on this but I’m going to discuss it again because it’s still coming up time and again by both young and older men.

Toxic masculinity started...

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The Transformational Power Of Suffering Feb 09, 2024

Something extremely uncomfortable I have had to tell many people, especially parents regarding their son or daughter is this:

They will not quit taking drugs, drinking alcohol or any other damaging trait for anyone.

People don’t quit destructive habits for their parents, their children,...

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Misogi - Using Exercise To Build Courage & Self Belief Feb 07, 2024

Anyone that has worked with me or knows my background will know that I have practised a very wide range of physical conditioning practises.

These include weight training, bodybuilding, which led me to winning a Southern England title, ultra running, martial arts and a whole array of physical...

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Start Slow, Then Accelerate Jan 12, 2024

image by Filmbetrachter.

New Years resolutions can sometimes create more pressure than is necessary.

Coming from a strong sporting background I often spot common and frequent mistakes made by those that expect to go into an all out high productivity and performance mode, as soon as January...

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Peace & The Sword Jan 05, 2024

If there is one thing men misunderstand about themselves it’s an idea born out of modernity, that they just need to be nice, harmless and kind to others and they will get everything they want as a result.

This is more of a barter, where a man projects harmlessness in return for the...

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The Courage Project - The Counter Poise To Fear Dec 29, 2023

I am pleased to announce my book is finally available on Amazon.

I deliberately kept it as a short read so it could be digested in just a few hours. I wanted it to be like attending a short seminar consisting of powerful content, which leaves an impact.

Judging by the initial feedback, The...

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The Search For Belonging Sep 29, 2023

Religion is always an area we talk about and venture into with trepidation but I was fascinated to read recently how some of the churches in Japan were teaching not just Christianity but the philosophy of Bushido alongside it.

 Bushido translates as ‘The Way Of The Warrior’ a...

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Out With The New In With The Old Sep 01, 2023

We’ve been living comfortable but we are going to train old.” - Apollo Creed - Rocky 111

Part of the coaching I offer takes a deep dive into the fitness routines of my clients, what they are trying to achieve and why. I normally always find in-congruencies  within the...

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The Mind Fortress Jul 21, 2023

From the moment you wake up, you will be under attack from the news, the media and external influences including your own addictions and habits that keep you less than what you really are.    

 How many times do we get distracted or subjected to fear enhancing information that lead...

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