Prepare the body to change the brain. Mar 23, 2023

 We’ve come a long way since the days of sitting in a chair and simply talking about our problems. Dialogue therapy has been identified more now, as not just incomplete but only as a single piece of the puzzle.

 Preparing the body as a way of changing our thoughts, emotions and...

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Brian Jacks - Mindset Of A Champion Mar 03, 2023

This interview with my previous Instructor Brian Jacks, took place about 8 years ago when Brian was 69 years old. It is an insight into the mindset of a champion, a Judo master, a phenomenal example of immense determination and dedication.

 When I hear the saying “They don’t...

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Belief Is Action Feb 10, 2023

My amazing Judo teacher, Olympic medalist and six time European Champion Brain Jacks, always said if you don’t believe you can do something you have already failed, even if you are taking action.

I used to look around me when doing martial arts and see the uncertainty, fear and lack of...

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Self Sovereignty - A Counter Poise To Fear Jan 20, 2023

The remarkable men I have been mentored by, led me to a truth that was demonstrated by how they lived life.

I noticed these men didn’t expect to be looked after or blame others for the hardships in their life. I’m not sure they even recognised hardships in their terminology.

The big...

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The Time Of Weak Men Creating Hard Times Jan 13, 2023

I’ve always been quite open about how I received a masterclass as a child in how the three weak men in my family created hard times for everyone else.

This is undoubtedly why I chose to approach courage & resilience as a lifestyle and overall development of character and not as the...

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A Captain Of Courage Jul 13, 2022


Most of us believe we are one personality. One self to change and hopefully improve upon according to the goals we set ourselves. 

in the book ‘In Search Of The Miraculous’ teacher George Gurdjieff, suggests each of us has  over a hundred different personalities all...

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Indifference To Pain & Pleasure Jan 07, 2022

Indifference to pain & pleasure.

 One of the main issues I see as a coach is the lure of self sabotage and even psychological paralysis during times of stress. It’s been written and said many times throughout the most ancient of philosophical disciplines to be indifferent to pain...

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Movies Of Courage Aug 19, 2021

I was recently asked by the guys in my weekly ‘On The Warriors Path’ group if I can recommend some really good films based on courage, philosophy and integrity.

So here they are and why I recommend them.

Last Knights

Clive Owen stars as a fallen warrior who rises up against a...

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Fragility - The Silent Emergency Jul 29, 2021

For the audio version of this blog, please click the link below:

I recently watched the Roman Kemp documentary ‘The Silent Emergency’ which covered the terrible male suicide and mental health issues in the U.K. It was an honest...

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The Courage To Move Beyond Authority Jul 15, 2021

“For in order to turn the individual into a function of the state, his dependence on anything beside the state must be taken from him.” - Carl Jung

This quote by Carl Jung, is a reminder of how most people will happily look towards corruption, hypocrisy and cowardice for what...

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Dynamic Mindfulness: The Mind Of Steel Wrapped In Cotton. Jun 24, 2021

Image by Marcus Paulo Prado via Unsplash

Not long ago I saw a mindfulness advert in my home town that stated:

You may go to the gym and look after your physical health, but what about your mind and emotional health?”

It’s adverts such as this that remind me just how...

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The Power Of Self Belief Jun 17, 2021

Recently golfer Phil Mickelson at 50 years old won the PGA Championship to become the oldest major champion in golf history.

He got asked the question “How did you do it?”

He simply worked hard.

He ate better, exercised well and did more martial arts.

He didn’t talk about...

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